Helpful Information from Your Farm and Garden
A Gardner’s Guide to Managing Cold Weather in Southwestern Florida
With January comes cooler weather along with the possibility of an occasional frost or freeze. But even without, we are sure to have several cold fronts that bring near-freezing temperatures. It’s important to understand that your plants are more likely to be injured by sudden drops in temperature than gradual changes we may see throughout the season. With some planning and preparation, you can save your plants from permanent damage. Planning for Cooler Temperatures: Before you Plant One of...
Native Plants of Florida
What is a native plant? The Florida Native Plant Society defines a Florida native plant as “a species occurring within the state boundaries prior to European contact, according to the best available scientific and historical documentation. Florida native plants include those species understood as indigenous, occurring in natural associations in habitats that existed prior to significant human impacts and alterations of the landscape." A more succinct (though less scientific) definition may be,...
Planting and Caring for your Bougainvillea
ABOUT THE BOUGAINVILLEA PLANT There is simply so much to like about the Bougainvillea! Whether grown as a vine, shrub or tree, the vibrant blooms make a beautiful addition to your landscaping… or hanging basket if you prefer! In fact, Bougainvilleas can be grown in containers, as a hedge, a vine, ground cover or trained as a standard, upright plant. Likewise, they look great draping over a wall or as a backdrop to other flowers in the flower bed. A perennial, Bourgainvillea is recognized as a...
Fall Vegetable Gardening Season had Arrived in Sarasota!
Along with September comes cooler nights, lower humidity and the perfect time to plant your fall vegetable garden. With a little planning, preparation and choosing the right vegetables, you’ll enjoy the “fruits” of your labor well into the new year! PLAN YOUR GARDEN If you don’t already have a garden location, make sure to choose a level, well-drained spot that’s close to a water source and receives at least six hours of sunlight per day. You can also plant some vegetables within your flower...
Welcome to Sarasota… A Newcomer’s Guide to Flower Gardening
Welcome to Sarasota! Whether a newcomer to Florida or just relocating within our beautiful state, there is definitely a difference in gardening among regions of the US as well as across Florida. Fortunately, understanding several key principles will enable you to quickly enjoy success in your new southwestern Florida flower beds. ARE YOU IN AN HOA? If you live in a community governed by a Homeowner’s Association, you will likely have restrictions on the types of flowers you may plant....
We all Should Plant a Pollination Garden
Butterfly Gardens are quite popular these days. But we suggest that Pollinator Gardens, which include Butterfly-friendly plants, are even more important. It’s safe to say that your beautiful flowering plants as well as those delicious fruits & vegetables you enjoy depend on successful pollination! Before we go too far and you think, “Not another garden to care for!”, let us clarify. A Pollinator Garden can be as simple as a small clump of flowers in your current garden or flower bed, a...
A Gardener’s Guide to Navigating Florida’s Rainy Season
Florida’s subtropical climate gifts the sunshine state with two distinct seasons, the “dry season” and “rainy season.” And gardening – along with most outdoor activities, can be challenging during both. According to The National Weather Service, the rainy season officially runs from May 15th through September October 15th though it’s start can vary year to year. Unless current severe drought conditions continue, the rainy frequent showers and thunderstorms should ramp up anytime now. The warm...
It’s May and Time to Mulch in Southwest Florida!
Reasons to Mulch The afternoon sun is definitely getting warmer and there are dozens of other things pressing on your schedule. However, mulching is essential to your gardens, flower beds and other landscaped areas. Buy why you may ask? First, mulch helps your soil maintain moisture, thereby reducing the need for irrigation and watering. Secondly and equally important, a properly mulched bed will limit weed growth. That’s significant, as we all want to limit the use of herbicides as much as...
Your Guide to Successful Planting in Southwestern Florida
Planting Trees & Shrubs Before You Plant It is important to select the proper plant for your site. Take into consideration the amount of space available for the plant, amount of light the plant will receive and type of soil at the site. All these factors should weigh in the plant selection process. When To Plant If the soil is moist and kept sufficiently watered, planting can be done anytime. If possible, plant your tree or shrub as soon as you get it home. Otherwise, it may dry out and...
It’s Already March and Time to Fertilize your Garden and Landscaping Beds
We are with you! It’s March and you’re ready to get into your garden and landscaping beds, especially after experiencing the cooler months of January and February. And in March, it’s a great time to lay the foundation for beautiful, lush gardens and landscaping. Let’s get started! Spring “Clean Out” Time First, we suggest cleaning out your garden area and flower & landscaping beds. Remove any fallen leaves, dying vegetation (such as annuals) and other vegetation that doesn’t belong. By...