Check out a small selection of the common palms found throughout southwestern Florida. Availability may vary by season.
Please contact us at 941-366-4954 for current inventory.

Adonidia Palm
Adonida Merrilli. AKA Christmas Palm. Noninvasive. Quickly reaches 6’ but will slowly grow to 20’ thereafter. 5-8' canopy. Drought-tolerant and relatively low-maintenance.

Areca Palm
Dypsis Lutescens. AKA Golden Cane or Yellow Bamboo Palm. Popular landscaping plant that can reach 25-30’ w/spread of 10-20'. Multi-stemmed (yellow). Full sun to partial shade w/adequate water source.

Bamboo Palm
Chamaedorea elegans. AKA Dwarf Palm. Very popular indoor plant w/height of 2-7’. 2-3' spread. Bright but indirect light. Multi-stemmed w/drooping leaves. Drought-tolerant but prefers moist soil.

Bismark Palm
Bismarckia Nobilis. Features silvery-green palmate leaves. Highly drought-resistent. Reaches 30-60’ w/15-18’ trunk. 12-'16 spread. Susceptible to windstorm damage.

Bottle Palm
Hyophorbe Lagenicaulis. Slow growing palm reaching 12’ w/bottle-like base. Requires well-drained soils with good water supply. Susceptible to freezing temperatures.

Cat Palm
Chamaedorea cataractarum. AKA Cataract or Cascade Palm. Trunkless and clumping. A low-maintnance, easy growing indoor or outdoor plant. Reaches up to 3’ indoors or 6’ outdoors.

Chinese Fan Palm
Livistona Chinensis. AKA fountain palm. Drooping, fan-shaped leaves resemble a fountain. Prefers shady areas. May reach 40’ but 15’ w/10-12’ spread is most common. Single or multi-trunk.

Coconut Palm
Cocos Nucifera. Most economically important palm (coconut production). Single trunk palm w/smooth, straight or leaning trunk. Feather-shaped pinnate leaves. Reaches to 80-100’.

Dwarf Palmetto
Sabal minor. Cycad plant. Native to Florida. Trunkless. Reaches 4-6’ with similar spread. Prefers moist soils but is salt and drought tolerant (once established).

European Fan Palm
Chamaerops humilus. AKA Dwarf Fan Palm. Stemless or multi-trunked and often appears shrub-like. Prefers full sun. Reaches 6-15’ w/6-20’ spread.

Foxtail Palm
Wodyetia bifurcate. Single, self-cleaning trunk. Relatively fast growing reaching 20-30’ w/spread of 5-10’. Full sun to partial shade.

Lady Palm
Rhapis excelsa. Clustering palm ideal for shady areas. Dark green palmate leaves. Reach 6-15’ w/similar spread. Low maintenance. Indoor or outdoor.

Pygmy Date Palm
Phoenix roebelenii. AKA Dwarf Date Palm. Prefers medium to high light. Pinnately compound leaves. Reaches 6’ w/spread of 3-5’.